Which Is Healthier Beef or Chicken Liver

Chicken and beef livers are considered delicacies worldwide and are eaten for their soft, melt-in-your-mouth texture and rich flavor. But what differences are there precisely between these two livers? We researched the difference between these organ meats; some of our results may surprise you!

Quick Summary

The following points are some of the key aspects of chicken and beef liver that we will discuss:

  • Are there taste and texture differences between beef liver and chicken liver?
  • What are the nutritional benefits of chicken liver?
  • What are the nutritional benefits of beef liver?
  • Are there any health hazards related to eating these livers?

Here we are, back to the same old question: chicken or beef? But now, we are focusing on their livers and their similarities, differences, benefits, and possible dangers they could offer you.

Which One Is Better: Chicken Liver Or Beef Liver?

Top view of chicken liver and a chopsticks

Both beef and chicken livers are eaten worldwide and are considered delicacies.

These two organs are very similar to each other, even though they come from different animals. Chicken liver and beef liver have the same texture and red color.

These two livers have a very similar sweet and nutty flavor profile when they are cooked, and they are both extremely nutritious food items used in many different dishes.

As these livers are very similar in these aspects mentioned above, to help you decide which one is the best for you, we will have to look at the contents of each liver and the benefits they can offer you. Let's go through them.

The Benefits Of Chicken Liver

Top view of freshly cooked chicken liver

Chicken liver is a great organ to eat as it offers a wide array of vitamins and minerals along with macronutrients, so much so that it is considered a superfood.

Chicken livers are small organs and are often have a few livers in one serving, so you can be certain you are receiving all the benefits after just one serving.

Chicken livers contain vitamin B12, C, A, and vitamin E, Choline, Folate, Riboflavin, Niacin, iron, and copper, which are all extremely good for you [1].

Consuming chicken liver with all these vitamins and minerals has some great benefits, including blood health due to the iron levels in the chicken livers. Iron and some vitamins help prevent conditions like anemia by improving red blood cells.

Chicken liver can help weight management, depending on how they are cooked, as they are rich in high quality protein. It means that chicken livers have a low calorie count but incredibly filling, which can help control your appetite.

Consuming chicken livers can help keep your heart healthy as they contain selenium. This mineral can assist in managing and preventing cardiovascular problems like high cholesterol, stroke, and heart disease.

Adding chicken livers to your diet can help improve your eye health, cardiovascular health, and kidney function, and it strengthens your immune system, so they are great for supporting your overall health.

As mentioned, chicken livers are considered a superfood as they are filled with essential B vitamins that will assist in keeping your body healthy and functioning as it should.

The Benefits Of Beef Liver

Beef liver with vegetables on plate

Beef liver is also a great food to add to your diet, as beef livers are packed with macronutrients, minerals, and vitamins, making beef liver a superfood.

Beef liver is considered one of the most nutritious and healthy foods you can eat, especially if you cook it properly.

Beef liver is more substantial than a chicken liver, so you are likely only to get one piece of beef liver per serving, but this organ meat serving is enough to receive all the excellent benefits from the organ meat.

Beef liver contains a substantial amount of vitamin A, various B vitamins, vitamin C, D16, K, and vitamin E. Beef liver also contains Folic acid, Iron, Copper, Magnesium, Potassium, Riboflavin, Phosphorus, Niacin, and Zinc [2].

As you can see, beef liver has a few more vitamins and minerals than chicken livers, making people consider beef liver better than chicken. However, it would be best to remember that beef liver has more saturated fat than chicken liver, so you should not eat it as regularly. It's because the beef liver is considered red meat.

Eating beef liver has the same health benefits as chicken liver, apart from the weight management as it is fattier, but the rest all apply to beef liver.

A single serving of beef liver will supply you with your daily recommended amount of the mentioned nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, reducing your risk of any nutrient deficiencies.

The Possible Dangers Of Both Chicken Or Beef Liver

Close up image of liver on plate

When people think of eating livers, they tend to become slightly concerned, as these organ meats are used by the animal's body to filter out toxins and undesirable substances from the animal's body.

It is an understandable concern, but it is invalid. Eating liver is perfectly safe in this regard.

However, the problem comes in with the chicken and beef liver vitamins. Chicken and beef livers have a high amount of vitamin A.

If you consume too much chicken or beef liver, it can lead to vitamin A toxicity, also known as hypervitaminosis A.

Because Vitamin A is fat-soluble, it's stored in the human body in excess, leading to vitamin A toxicity. Symptoms of vitamin A toxicity include nausea, vomiting, vision problems, and bone pain, with an increased risk of fractures occurring.

Chicken and beef liver also contains a high level of copper, so if you consume too many in one sitting, you have a chance of developing copper toxicity, also known as Copperiedus.

It is a form of metal poisoning, and the symptoms include vomiting, hypotension, hematemesis (vomiting blood), jaundice, melena (tarry or black feces), and gastrointestinal distress.

Copper poisoning can be extremely dangerous, so please seek medical attention if you exhibit these symptoms after consuming livers. So, if you consume beef or chicken liver regularly, there is no need to look for copper from other food sources.

Consuming a large amount of beef liver, in particular, can lead to these dangers more than chicken liver. Beef liver is more substantial and contains these vitamins and minerals in higher quantities.

It is important to remember that these dangers will only arise if you're eating livers too much in one sitting.

So, even though beef and chicken liver are highly nutritious and incredibly healthy, you should not be consuming them daily. Eating chicken or beef liver once per week is sufficient to gain the benefits.

Chicken Liver vs Beef Liver: Which One Is Better?

Raw liver on wooden circular board

As you can see, both beef and chicken livers have great benefits and are very nutritious. However, they have possible dangers if you consume too much in one sitting.

However, if you want to ensure you get the most nutrients, minerals, and vitamins in one meal, consider eating beef liver, as it contains a higher amount of these nutrients than a chicken liver.

But if you are trying to manage your weight, you should instead go for a chicken liver as they are less fatty and still contain many essential nutrients.


Beef liver and chicken liver have significant benefits that most other foods cannot match, so it is important to include one or both in your diet, depending on your preference. But remember to not consume liver more than once or twice per week to avoid any possible dangers. Get the best chicken and beef liver supplies, and enjoy!


  1. https://www.webmd.com/diet/health-benefits-chicken-liver#1
  2. https://www.webmd.com/diet/liver-good-for-you#1


Source: https://carnivorestyle.com/beef-liver-vs-chicken-liver/

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